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Kids and Family

Teach your child not to interrupt in one simple step

My boys have a lot going on. Often times they are just BURSTING to tell me something and will come straight up to me and tell me what's on their mind regardless of whether I am already talking to someone.

How to make recycling fun for kids

Recycling is a satisfying and valuable habit, but sometimes we struggle to find ideas on how to help our kids understand how important it is.

Fun family tradition_en

Remember what your kids loved most, and what they thought about at each age with these Interview questions for kids.

Easy Kids Crafts for a Rainy Day

Whether it is raining outside or you just need a way to occupy those little ones for a while, crafts are a fantastic solution.

The importance of vitamin D

I chose to use a Vita D300 spray in order to make sure that my family was getting the right amount of Vitamin D.


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